Jun 26, 2008


Lilly had her first exposure to VBS this year. I signed up to teach the three and four year old class. There are some days I really miss teaching all my little kindergarten kiddos, but then I look at Lilly and hope I never have to go back into the classroom full time - doing the mommy thing is just too much fun!
Anyways, Lilly got to go with me every day and start out in the auditorium singing with everyone. She loved this and would run up the stage mid song, smile at Miss "all-son" and run back to me. She got to hang out with all her older friends - "Karee, Marcusss, and Brayleen." Then daddy would come and get her for playtime in the office, a trip to the bookstore, or off to the cookie place for a treat. She had a blast and now has made the connection that daddy does some kind of work up at the church building.

Friday was the last day and there was lots of excitement going on. The petting zoo came and Lilly loved being so close to all the animals. She would walk right up to the goats with a hand full of food and let them eat right out of her hand. The girl has no fear! Then there was the pie. Allison had promised the kids they would get to throw a pie in Mr. Josh's face if they brought enough items in to give to the kids at Hope House. Well there was so many items brought in, the box was overflowing. So on pie day, Allison chose some names out of a bag to throw the pies (yes it happened more than once.) The last name called was Linda H. and she happened to be holding Lilly at the time in her lap. So Lilly went up on the stage and helped with the pie throwing. I have to give Josh some credit here, he was a real trooper.....

And Lilly still talks about this day, saying "silly daddy" then pointing to her face and says "pie."

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