Jul 16, 2008


We had a play day with Brody and Merissa at the Sprinkler Park. This was both kids first time out in the sprinklers and both of us moms were a little unsure about how they would like the water splashing in their faces. To our surprise they both loved it! It has become our new favorite spot in town. Lilly was getting her hair soaked, as you can see below and both of them were splashing in the water, trying to catch it, and Lilly even tried to drink it a couple of times. We had such a fun time.
We went on a very cloudy day so we both thought we would all be okay with no sunscreen. We learned our lesson the hard way. I was scorched and Lilly was pink all over her arms, shoulders, face, and back - Poor thing, it was her first sunburn! That is one of the worst feelings, knowing you could have prevented her from having the sunburn. From now on we will be putting on plenty of sunscreen rain or shine.


Mindy said...

I found you!

Drew Custer said...

Thanks for sharing your reflections Joni. They are encouraging. Where you all in Gulf Shores? We live only 45 minutes from there now. I wish I would have known. Next time:) I'm glad to see you are doing well.