Oct 1, 2008

October already?

I can't believe that September has come and gone so quickly. So much has happened in this month and I haven't found time to write about it. We have started a small group at our house on Sunday nights. Lilly gets to go to Holy Ground - at the building- which she absolutely loves! Every time we go pick her up she is so full of energy. She has learned to sing all kinds of new songs: Our God is so big, The butterfly song, I'm in right out, right up, right down....., she even sings the prayer God our Father. She picks things up quick! On Monday's we hang out with friends from church. There is nothing better than time to chat with other moms, while the kids play. This group is really an answer to lots of prayer. On Tuesday we sing with Miss Lea at Kindermusik. Lilly absolutely loves this and wants to come home and sing all the songs at home, now that we have the new CD from class. Our Bible Study has started back up on Wednesdays and she loves going to class with the other two year olds. She is learning about Moses and they learn these memory verses and put them to a song and she has memorized Matthew 28:20 - it is pretty fascinating! She gets a packed morning of play, Bible story, music, time on the playground, craft, and snack. It is very similar to a preschool setting. I love that she is growing in God's Word, while I am too. Then on Thursday we try to make it to story time at the library, if we are still not completely worn out. So maybe that is why I have not had much time for blogging. There is always so much to do and so little time. The most important thing is we have fun hanging out and I love all my Lilly time. It is such a blessing to be able to stay at home and soak in all the special moments we have together.

Since it has been a while, I decided to do several pictures from the past month:

Getting all the little pumpkins set up with Mr. Scarecrow. We just had to start off this month by wearing orange and black - I just love the fall!

This past weekend we took a trip to Toy's R Us, The Disney Store, and The Carousel. Lilly was overwhelmed with all the toys, she kept pointing to something saying "We have to buy this mommy." The picture above is from the Disney Store. She loved watching the big screen and even got to see the song "Be Our Guest".

One of Lilly's new favorite things to do is put on her Belle Dress and "spin like Belle." We have played the songs to Lilly from the DVD and she is now into all the princesses and knows all of their names.

Is Alabama having a good season or what? We can't miss a game. Here are the girls cheering on their favorite team. Next time Lilly will have to wear her Alabama shirt too.

Lilly has also learned how to swing in the big swings. She loves being pushed and will tell you she wants to go high. She loves going to her friends houses with "playgrounds" in the backyard.

Her first tricycle! We spend time most afternoons or morning out on the tricycle learning how to make it go. She is doing pretty good, but needs a little push still.

Lilly and Rudy having fun in the beach balls. Today she was out back dumping sand all over him laughing hysterically. She always finds our dog so funny. The new favorite thing to do is stand outside the glass door to ring the "boordell" and listen to Rudy bark. She cracks up every time. I am so thankful they get along most of the time. There are some moments where he is eying her food trying to sneak a bite and she gets really mad saying "go away Rudy" the best line is when she says "go to your bed." Maybe one day he will actually do what she says.

And we had to take a trip to the zoo to enjoy this wonderful weather. Lilly loves the animals and the rides. We always have to ride the train and carousel. After we got home she kept saying "I want to go to the zoo next week and go up and down."

I hope you are all having fun this fall and enjoying your little ones!

1 comment:

The Monsarrats said...

love seeing recent pix! lilly is the cutest! i love ya'lls family pic too that's at the top of your blog! jenn