Aug 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Lilly!

I can't believe my little girl is now three! It seems like she was only born yesterday, time sure flies.....So for the party we had it at the Sprinkler Park! Lilly woke up that morning so excited and she was bouncing around all day. She kept saying "Am I really 3?" For the moment, her favorite characters are the Disney Princesses. She knows them all by names, the songs they sing, what color each princesses dress is, the names of their princes, and even the names of the mean villain in each movie.....everything there is to know about these magical girls. So of course we had princess plates, napkins, balloons, and a banner. This year I decided to make cupcakes, since we were outdoors it was the easy option. They were not your ordinary cupcakes, they were princess cupcakes of course - with princess papers, princess sprinkles (crowns, slippers, pearls, and the red apples). Each cupcake was topped with a princess ring for the kids. I had pink cupcakes with white icing and white cupcakes with pink icing - it was so girly and just perfect for Lilly! The best part of the party was watching the kids have a blast running through the sprinklers. It all ended with the princess pinata! They now have these cool string pinatas where you give all the kids a string, they pull them and the pinata opens up. They loved collecting candy and filling up the princess bags. Lilly had a blast and enjoyed every minute of it!
We ended our celebration by eating out at Red Robin (one of her favorite spots) This was the first time she had people sing to her at a restaurant. At first she was a little shocked, then she started clapping, and the best part of all was eating the ice cream sundae. So there are all the details of the day.
So now I have a three year old sound asleep, an almost three month old sound asleep, Josh is out running, and we are all in need of some much needed rest from our big weekend. It amazes me how fast Lilly changes and grows. She is full of life, energy, and bursting with emotions - some good and some bad. She loves to read her Bible and is fascinated by the stories of Adam and Eve, Jesus Walking on the Water, and the hurt man (aka: The good Samaritan). She loves to eat turkey and cheese sandwiches, strawberries, yogurt, waffles, wheat thins, and marshmallows. She is quite a daddy's girl and loves to have "Daddy Days" (on his off day.) Their favorite thing to do together is walk down to the lake and go fishing. This is a usual occurrence on most nights. They walk down there with their poles, Lilly has a pink princess pole - Thanks to Papa. The thing to fish with these days are crickets from Wal-mart. Tonight they caught 8 fish. Lilly touches the fish, then Josh throws them back in. She loves to help me in the kitchen, we make banana bread and cookies together. Lilly's love for Joy grows each day as well. She still has her moments of jealousy - I think all of with brothers and sisters still have trouble with this at some time or another. But, Lilly is a great big sister and gives Joy lots of hugs and kisses every day. I thank God for my precious three year old girl, what a blessing it is to have kids. I pray that this year brings Lilly with lots of happy moments, that a strong bond with little sister will start to form, and that her love for God will continue to grow.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Happy Birthday Lilly! Can't believe she's three...what a cutie!!