Dec 17, 2007


Taj is my brother's pit bull. He is about three years old now and is one of the biggest dogs Lilly has ever been around. We went to Atlanta for Thanksgiving and made a trip to Jason's new house. We were a little unsure of how Lilly and Taj would do around each other. Lilly has no fear of dogs. She loves them! She wants to kiss them on the mouth, hug them, pat them, and get as close as she can to them. She even barks like a dog when she sees any dog - her stuffed dogs, real dogs out and about, or dogs on TV.
Not every dog likes all this extra attention from a little one. So Jason kept him outside when we arrived. As you can see from above, Lilly was so excited to find a dog staring at her outside this glass door. So they stood for a while with the glass in between them checking each other out. When it was time to eat (Jason made us some yummy chili) he let Taj inside to see how he would do with Lilly up in her highchair. Like any other dog, he was begging for food from everyone and Lilly couldn't keep her eyes off of him. She was turning all around in her chair so she could watch him at all times. So after lunch, we got Lilly down while Taj was still inside. She immediately made a bee line for Taj. She went right up to him and started patting him. He gave her a few licks and really did great with her in the house. We had to stand close by to make sure he didn't run her over or whack her with his massive tail. But, once he calmed down and found a spot to lay down she went over to him and gave him one of her dog hugs. So here they are: Lilly and Taj - and me right by them making sure she didn't pull his ears or anything like that.

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