Aug 6, 2008


Look at that sweet little picture....I needed to look at quite a few of those "sweet pictures" this week. Lilly is ten days from turning two and Josh and I are finding ourselves saying how we can't believe how fast she is growing and changing. The newest episode started over the last few days when Lilly decided to not just fall to sleep like she used to. Instead she would call us, ask for a drink, and just try to delay bed time. Then this moved to nap time. She was tired and wanted to sleep, just not in her bed. If I would hold her and rock in the chair she was happy as could be, but the minute I put her in bed she would scream. After a while of this and getting no where I decided to close the door, say good night and hope for the best. After going downstairs to get my mind on something else, I heard this thud and the continuing crying. I went upstairs to check on the thud only to hear the crying coming from right behind the closed door. As I opened the door this little sweet face appeared and said "I get out of my bed." Shocked and concerned that she may be hurt I was unsure of what to do. I put her in our bed, lay down with her until she fell asleep and then I got up.
Josh and I were both panicked, but we thought well we will finally take out the bumper pad and that will solve it. The nighttime routine went on okay, still a little crying and delaying. Then at 5:30 AM she woke up, we laid her back down, told her it was not time to get up, and got back in our bed. Minutes later our bedroom door swung open, Josh gasped in shock and we heard "I get out of my bed."
So this morning I turned her crib into the toddler bed, to avoid any more falls. Now we are hoping for the best and doing lots of praying. She did go down for her nap today, but she had already fallen asleep in the car. Who wouldn't be worn out from waking up at 5:30?

So to all you moms out there who have been here, we need some words of wisdom. And to all the moms reading this wondering when it might happen to you, just get ready.
I will keep you posted on how the toddler bed is working and post some pictures soon...


Merissa said...

I will be interested to see what advice you get because we will be at that stage very soon.

Stephanie said...

Two words for both of you!


We have one! LOL

angie c said...

Get a doggy gate. It saves our lives on those disobedient nights when Nora won't stay in her bed.