Nana and Papa
The girls took a trip to Atlanta to visit Nana and Papa. We had to take advantage of the fact that Lilly gets to fly for free before age two (her birthday is coming up on the 16th.) So we booked our tickets and yes it was a little crowded with Lilly in my lap and some stranger beside us, but I would take one hour in a plane over six in a car any day. After my mom and dad picked us up at the airport, our first stop was Chick-fil-A. We were all surprised that we had the play area to ourselves after lunch. I even climbed up in it to help Lilly and she loved it! Nana would stand at the slide and say "Come on down." Lilly would slide and laugh in delight, then the process would start all over again. "Come on down" became Lilly's new phrase of the weekend. She would say it when she was coming down the stairs, going in another room, and sometimes just for fun.
We were only there a few days, but we did so many fun things. We went swimming with my Aunt Fonda, Tucker, and Olivia. Jason and Fonda are expecting a baby in January. This will be Lilly's first cousin! We went to the park with Papa and it was not quite as hot there as it is here, so we actually enjoyed ourselves. We went shopping with Nana for new shoes. Lilly has hit a growth spurt and now all of her summer shoes are too small, so we found a buy one get one half off sale at Stride Rite. Then we went to Barnes and Noble - one of Lilly's favorite spots. She loves to play with the train table and find all the stuffed animals around the kids section. It was great to hang out with family and enjoy some rest and relaxation.
Since Lilly's birthday is coming up, Nana and Papa had a few early surprises. She got a new pink and purple tricycle (which they will bring when they come to Lilly's birthday party soon). She loved the "trike" which she called it. I know it will take a while for her to learn how to pedal, but she loved getting all geared up with the helmet, elbow and knee pads, and letting us push her around the house on this new fascinating toy. She also enjoyed playing in the new bubble machine with Winnie the Pooh on top. You can always leave it up to grandparents to buy the best toys out there. Here are a few pictures from the trip:
1 comment:
Glad you had such a nice time with your family. I know they loved having you, and especially Lilly there! :)
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