Oct 18, 2008

7 weeks and 4 days....

You guessed it....this is now how far along I am in the pregnancy! We are so excited about baby number two on the way. It has definitely been different this time around though. I am having to stop and remind myself that I am actually pregnant. We have known for a few weeks now, but I actually had my first Dr. appointment yesterday. The official due date is June 2 and we got our first picture of the teeny little baby! It was so fascinating watching the flutter of that small heartbeat. It is times like that I am reminded that God is good.

Lilly took the news really well. We sat her down in the playroom and explained that she would be a big sister and that mommy had a tiny baby in her tummy right now. Her mouth opened wide and she lifted up my shirt to see. We did a lot of explaining about how it was inside and how it would be a long time before she could see the baby. I am not sure how much she really comprehended.

We went to Atlanta last weekend to share the news with my family and she proudly wore her new t-shirt to make the announcement as we got out of the car.....

Of course, everyone was thrilled with the news and it has been tons of fun sharing this with everyone. Please keep our family in your prayers as we begin this new journey of adding to our family.


Wendy said...

Hooray, hooray, hooray!
We are so excited for you guys!

Jamie said...

Congrats! I am so happy for you guys.

Julie said...

That is so exciting! Congratulations! Praying for yall...

Cristie said...

Congrats, I am so excited for you. I have actually known since last week, your mom told my mom, I just have not had the chance to call. Hope you are feeling well, will y'all be home on thanksgiving or x-mas? We need to get together.

Emily Jo said...


Brooke said...

Congrats Joni!

April Kay said...

Congratulations, Joni!! I was thinking as I clicked to look at your blog that maybe I would read some exciting news in a post, and as I scrolled down I saw it!! Lilly is getting so big!