I can't believe that November is almost over and I am just now posting for this month. It is crazy how fast time flies, especially when you are playing with a two year old all day and sleeping while she is asleep (being pregnant always makes me extra tired). So needless to say I haven't had time for really much of anything from cleaning to cooking and everything in between. So here are some very late pictures of our little princess on Halloween.
We had a special storytime at the library where all the kids got to dress in costume for a reading of Pumpkin Pumpkin. It was so fun to see everyone dressed up for this special day.
Here is our pumpkin we carved together this year. Lilly thought the goo inside was so funny. She tried to touch it once, but that was a close as she would come to helping scoop it all out. She was a very good observer this year.
Here is our little pumpkin. Rudy wore his costume for everyone to see who came to our door that night. Lilly really had fun opening to door for everyone and handing out candy. She couldn't wait to hear the door bell ring again. Rudy just wanted to run out and jump on everyone. I actually had someone who said we have a dog like that too, they should be called Boston Terror instead of Boston Terrier - terror does suit Rudy from time to time.
Our trick or treating began with Kara (Strawberry Shortcake), one of Lilly's buddies! We went down to the Square and all the shops had someone sitting outside handing candy out to all the kids. It was so fun. It was from 3-5, so mostly families with younger kids and all fun costumes. Lilly just wanted to watch all the kids walk by and look at their costume at first, but then she started saying trick or treat and was really excited about all the candy she was getting in her princess bucket. It was completely full by the time we left and all I heard on the way home was "I want Candy please!" over and over and over. The holidays are so much I can't wait for Christmas!
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