Dec 17, 2008

So Blessed

This time of year it is so easy to get caught up in the rush of going to all the parties, attending all the events in town, shopping, shopping, and oh I have to go back and get one more thing at that store, finding the best deals, thinking of the perfect can be a little overwhelming to say the least. Today Lilly and I stayed in our p.j.'s most of the morning and never left the house. I could think of a million places to go and things to do, but I decided that we needed to just have a stay home day and it was great! Taking time to watch her laugh, hold her in my lap, read all the books she picked out before bedtime (the stack was pretty big), and just enjoy being together was the best thing we could do together.

During this day I was reminded how thankful that I have a pantry and refrigerator full of food, closet full of clothes (most of which do not fit at the moment due to my growing belly), a warm house, my wonderful husband, Dr's to make sure he doesn't have the flu at the moment, health care that provided $4 antibiotics for him to get better with, Lilly who is growing up right before our eyes - she can practically carry on a whole conversation with you and loves to recite the Night Before Christmas, the little one on the way that I can now feel moving around inside. My prayer is that through the remainder of the Holidays that I will remember these important things that I am so blessed with, instead of getting all caught up in the hustle and bustle and Christmas. This is my prayer for all of you as well....


Jamie said...

Those days in p.j.s are the best. Thanks for the reminder. Luke's birth forced me to slow down a little this year. You always find such cool things to do with Lilly. Poor Hannah hasn't been out of the house much since Luke was born. But after reading your blog I am inspired. Are you guys going to find out what the baby is?

Blessed said...

Thanks for the reminder, Joni!

I love Lilly's Christmas dress! So cute!

I hope you are feeling good! I would love to catch up after the holidays!

I'd love to hear more about Josh's camera. We got a new one too. I really need to learn how to use it though!