Jun 3, 2009

Joy Elizabeth Patrick is Here!!

I know this is a week late, and now the only reason I have a minute to update the blog is because my parents are still here - Lilly just went down for a nap and Joy is being held by Nana and Papa at the moment. So our new little princess was born last Wednesday morning, May 27 at 1:15 AM. She weighed 7lbs. and 1 oz.

The labor and delivery went so smooth and she was a healthy baby! I remember laying there after she was born as the nurses were checking her out and reporting on everything, I just thanked God for blessing us with another beautiful baby. I also was thankful that I went into labor this time around and did not have to go the induction route. It just seemed to be quicker and easier that way.....Easier only because of the epidural. I could never be one of those brave moms who go natural.

Anyways, here are some of the pictures....we have taken a ton it was so hard to choose.


Cristie said...

She is beautiful! I can't wait to talk to you. Glad your parents are there helping out. Keep the photos coming!

Unknown said...

I am so excited and proud for you! Joy is beautiful and seeing the picture of Lilly looking down at her baby sister is precious!

Blessed said...


She is just adorable. I can't tell if she looks like Lilly or not. I can't wait to see more pictures!

I would love to come by in the next few weeks and bring you dinner and a little goody for Joy. Maybe once you get a little more settled. Just call me.

Mitzi said...

Congrats! She is beautiful!

Janet @ Simply Pieced said...

Natalie can't wait to meet her new friend! Joy is beautiful!

Jamie said...

Congrats! She is a doll.