May 21, 2009

Cherish the moments

I am still here and Joy is still just hanging around in my belly (that is the phrase I keep telling Lilly every time she asks the question "When is baby Joy going to come out?). Lilly thinks this is hilarious, while I just sit and wonder how much longer I will be pregnant....We went to the dr. this past Tuesday and she said I was almost dilated to a three now and she felt pretty sure I would go into labor any day now - but as we can see who knows. I guess only God knows for sure and this is just a reminder of how everything is perfect in His timing. We went ahead and scheduled to be induced next Friday, May 29 if Joy is still hanging around in there.

In the meantime, I am taking advantage of every minute I have to play with Lilly and just have one on one time with her. We have had lots of Mommy-Lilly days filled with playtime in the house, going special places together, and just having fun. It is hard to imagine sharing my day with Lilly and Joy, but I know it will all work out. We took a few fun pictures at the park last week and just enjoyed time together as a family. Instead of wishing this time away, I am trying to cherish all the remaining moments till my little bundle of Joy arrives! Tomorrow night Josh and I plan to get away and eat a quiet, romantic dinner - that will be a change from our usual dinner time routine. And who knows what else this weekend holds - it will be the last time we spend it together as a family of three.

I just had to include these last two pictures. This week the summer weather set in, so it was time to get out the blow-up pool. What can get better than being outside in the pool with a popsicle....Even Rudy needed to cool off.


Blessed said...


I am just so sad we haven't met up yet. Can we do it before Joy gets here? Do we have time? I would LOVE to come over and see the nursery, play outside, etc. Just give me a call
BTW, your belly is so so cute!

Elizabeth & Travis Harville said...

SO sweet! I am so glad I have gotten to know Lilly so much better over the last few months in Sunday school. She really is SO precious. We can't wait to meet baby Joy! Tell Lilly I'm thinking of her today as "flee fly mosquito" is stuck in my head!

Unknown said...

The picture of Lilly with her hands on you (and Joy) is absolutely precious! I love it! And she is a sassy little thing in her cute!

Hope you are feeling good this last week. Can't wait to meet Joy!


Cristie said...

You are in my prayers this week, can't wait to here about Joy arrival on Friday! So excited!