Jul 26, 2009

Tummy Time

Joy has amazed us with how well she is holding her head up. She is not the biggest fan of tummy time yet, but she gets to experience it at least once a day on the floor. She loves to lay on top of both Josh and me for naps, so I guess this would qualify as some type of tummy time. She loves to sit and talk. She just watches us when we are talking to her and gives us lots of smiles and little sounds. It is so neat to watch her do this with Lilly. We are still having some sibling issues - I am sure we always will, but my prayer is that my two girls with be great friends and love to spend time together. Lilly can be very loving to Joy, she helps get a burp cloth to wipe her mouth when needed, she loves to help with diaper changes and patting her back for burps, Lilly's new favorite thing to tell Joy is "I love you." This week Joy will be 2 months old. I cannot believe how fast time goes by. We had her dr. appt on Friday and here are the results:
Weight - 10.9
Height - 22
Joy had fun playing with Dr. Chris and checking out the "other" baby in the mirror while we waited, but then it was shot time. Needless to say, there was a lot of crying and she was quite shocked by that sharp feeling in her legs, poor thing. But we are thankful for a healthy baby and a good dr. to make sure she is doing well.

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