Jul 20, 2009

All Smiles

I can't believe that July is almost over, school supplies are filling up the stores, and that Joy will be eight weeks old tomorrow night. Where has the time gone?
As you can see she has started smiling(right about the time she turned 6 weeks old) and I love to watch her grin all day long. I was quick enough to catch this on the camera.
I am thankful to be forming somewhat of a new schedule now. Joy usually eats around the same times during the day (about 6 times a day), goes to bed between 8 and 9, wakes up around 7 AM, takes a long afternoon nap the same time as Lilly - so I can get some sleep too, wakes up to eat usually twice during the night (however there have been a few nights it is only once - I am praying this will start to set in soon), and fills my days with lots of happy moments.

Here are some pictures from our month:

Totsie and Pop came to help us celebrate the 4th. This was the first year Lilly saw the fireworks and she did not take her eyes off of them the whole time. Here she is with all her friends. Joy is inside sleeping with Totsie, she will just have to see the fireworks another time...

Joy found her thumb and it provides her lots of comfort.

She loves to take naps with me on the bed. I usually hold her till she is good and asleep, then I have managed to successfully slide her over so I can actually get up. There are times that I just hold her the whole time and sleep with her. I love these precious moments with my baby girl.

Rudy can be quite the handful at times, but he is great with the girls. Joy loves him already.

All of us girls

Joy at her first wedding.

This is Lilly's kindermusik teacher. Lilly kept saying that Miss Lea looked like a princess. This is the first wedding that Lilly has actually been aware of what was going on. She loved listening to Josh perform the ceremony and was even more excited about the cake.

Lilly and I have some time during our day where all we do is play with Joy and her toys. Joy was able to hold a few of her toys and I loved this one where it looks like she is trying to talk on the phone.

Pretty in Pink: This is a dress that my mom saved from when I was a baby.

I love making memories with my girls. The greatest challenge in our days are giving equal attention to both Lilly and Joy. It is hard to play dress up while holding a baby in my arms. However, I thank God for the good days that follow the hard ones and as I look back on all the pictures I have taken I realize how blessed I am to be at home soaking in every minute with Lilly and Joy.


Unknown said...

Your girls are so sweet!


Cristie said...

Love all the photos, thanks for the update. I think Joy favors Lilly so much in the last photo you posted. What sweet girls! I remembered you & Josh had an anniversary this past week, has it been 7 years?? Anyways, Congrats!