Happy Birthday Princess Lilly!
Lilly turned one today! I can't believe this day is finally here. Everyone said that time would fly by, but now I believe them. It is hard to imagine that a year ago we were trying to guess what Lilly would look like. Now we have our hands full with a sweet, precious, adorable (and yes, I could go on) one year old! The party was a blast last weekend, I will post more on that later.
Today we want you to know, Lilly how much we love you. We are so proud of all you have learned in this year and we are thankful for the times we have shared with you laughing, crying, and playing. You are our precious little girl, a gift from God, and we thank him for brining you into our lives on this day. Love, Mommy and Daddy
What a special post! Happy Birthday Lilly!
HAPPY Birthday LILLY!!!
We had such a good time the other day swimming with you guys!
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