Feb 16, 2009

Will you be mine.......

Usually Valentine's day just seems to pass by with cards, dinner, flowers.... However this year was a little different. Lilly is very into the holidays, she is still asking where the pumpkins are when we go on walks and every now and then she will stop and say "Why is Christmas over?" So we tried to have a little more fun with Valentine's day this year! Lilly and I made some pink cupcakes and topped them with candy hearts. Every time she would eat a cupcake she would say "These are so good!" Now that I think about it, she really hasn't had that many cupcakes. We have gotten some store bought ones and she had one at a birthday party. But this is the first time we actually had some in the house that we made together.

Lilly is all about the princesses now. Her favorite thing to do is put on her pink dress, high heels, and headband. Then she twirls around the room and dances singing "A dream is a wish your heart makes, when you're fast asleep..." For all you parents of little girls, you know this is from Cinderella, which is by far her favorite movie.

Josh and I decided to surprise her with a new movie, Sleeping Beauty, for Valentine's day. Of course, we did a pre-screening of this movie (we had heard it was a little scary.) We were blown away by the evil queen who curses Sleeping Beauty then turns into a dragon at the end. So we made some mental notes of which parts were okay for Lilly's little eyes. We watched Sleeping Beauty together Saturday morning and she loved it! She kept saying where is Sleeping Beauty and she thought the three fairies were great. Maybe one day she can watch the entire movie, we shall see.

The other part that made Valentine's day special was Josh and I went out to a couples Valentine dinner with some friends on Friday night. The guys were supposed to write a poem for their wife and the girls were supposed to write a top ten list for their husbands. I had so much fun putting this list together the week before and it made it so meaningful to give Josh something handwritten, then just the words on a card. And I have to admit his poem was very impressive and every time I read it I get the biggest smile on my face! Then on Saturday night Josh performed a wedding vow renewal ceremony for some friends at church. This couple re-wrote their own vows and they were very touching. The entire weekend was wonderful and one we will never forget. Valentine's may have come and gone this year, but it will definitely be remembered as one that was meaningful, full of precious moments with the entire family, and one where Josh and I filled up one another's love bank to overflowing!


Cristie said...

Lilly is so cute, I love the headband. Glad y'all had a nice Valentines Day, hope you are feeling well. Any names yet???

Julie said...

what a good lookin family!!! and cupcakes!!!

we wish yall would come see us!!!